Eukanuba Field Guide
Art Direction | Editorial Design | Type Design | Product Photography | Content Strategy
Essential Message & Background:
Eukanuba™ has established itself in the sporting dog industry by connecting with sporting dog consumers through a variety of channels & programs.
The Ask:
Create a ride-along publication that showcases the variety of ways that Eukanuba has integrated into/supports the sporting dog industry. The final deliverable was an add-on to various print publications. A primary goal was to highlight the launch of the reimagined Eukanuba Premium Performance product line.
Creative Approach:
Knowing this would be delivered with magazines, we took an editorial approach that presents content in a highly visual manner. We wanted this to feel like the YETI of dog food: authentic photography, plenty of white space, and very intentional product placement. This isn’t a product guide — this is how dog nutrition fits into your lifestyle, and Eukanuba is an essential part of it.
This project was a massive team effort that happened in a very short period of time. I worked closely with Copywriters to develop the name and content outline for this piece. I also worked with our in-house photographer to capture product photography for the Premium Performance line.

“Ya’ll – this is beautiful, this is bad ass! Will for sure set us apart and bring the Eukanuba™ character, passion and expertise in to peoples homes, trucks, and camps...I want one in my hands!”
Creative Team:
Rachel Garozzo, Art Director
Kalee Gottsacker, Copywriter
Gracie Fitzgerald, Copywriter
JD Guenther, Creative Director
Brian Hopson, Creative Director
John Niebling, Photographer & Production Artist
Heather Leeds, Project Manager / Print Production Manager